Oct 22, 2024 Last Updated 12:10 AM, Oct 22, 2024


Komunitas transgender dan etika penelitian

Komunitas transgender menetapkan standar mereka sendiri untuk praktik penelitian etis

Mengimajinasikan ruang aman

Queer Indonesia Archive (QIA) bekerja untuk melestarikan dan menjaga sejarah komunitas queer Indonesia

Transgender communities and research ethics

In the absence of protocol or regulation the transgender community is setting their own standards for ethical research practice

Review: Kartini's letters in translation

Now published in both English and Indonesian translation, the annotated collection will provide a better understanding of this Indonesian heroine

Review essay: Constructing Indonesian girlhood on film

Two decades after the cultural shift opened up by Reformasi, hope looks very different in Indonesian cinema

Diagnosing Indonesia

How has Indonesia’s quest for longer and healthier lives for its people unfolded in the past and present, and what does this mean for the future?

Working together to improve maternal health

In 2015 Indonesia signed up the the Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) to reduce its high rate of maternal mortality. Little progress has been made.

Obstacles to realising the right to health

Why has the government failed to do more to adopt health policies consistent with the right to health?

Back to the future

Treating mental health in Indonesia

Chasing a cure for beriberi

A long search for a cure for beriberi in Southeast Asia in the late nineteenth century was led by trial and a lot of error

Essay: Divine rejeki! What a wonderful windfall

How can you get rejeki? Like everything else about rejeki, the answer is something of a mystery.

Dorce Gamalama's burial and Indonesia's transgender traditions

In contrast to the national motto ‘Unity in Diversity’ and its history of tolerance, Indonesian sexual  minorities are not respected

To protect and conserve

A women-led ranger team in Aceh

Contesting the religious soundscape

A controversial regulation governing the call to prayer sparks a campaign aimed at taking down the Religious Affairs Minister

Reinforcing gendered roles in lockdown abroad

The experiences of Indonesian migrant mothers in NZ’s pandemic reveal that the ideals of Ibuism endure

Reshaping masculine cultures of terrorism

Former members of terror networks are focussing on masculinity’s role in encouraging violent extremism in Indonesia

Countering the information void to beat COVID-19

In the absence of reliable government information, citizens are stepping up to share local stories on COVID-19 and keep each other informed about the state of the pandemic

COVID-19 denial in Indonesia

Mixed messaging from government about COVID-19 has left rumours and competing narratives to fill the information void, fuelling mistrust

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