Jul 27, 2024 Last Updated 4:51 AM, Jul 27, 2024


A kinder, more gentle FPI?

The historically hardline defenders of Islam plan to enter the political mainstream by softening their rhetoric and abandoning hate speech

Blasphemy on the rise

As blasphemy convictions increase in this democratic era, election campaigning indicates little will change

No justice at home or abroad

Indonesia’s children wrongly imprisoned in Australia still haven’t been compensated

Surviving while seeking asylum

A change in Australia’s asylum policy has denied refugees in Indonesia vital support

Islam-inspired renewable energy

A collaboration between a teacher and farmers in Central Java is unlocking the potential of an indigenous biofuel source

The red thread

A recently uncovered report reveals how anti-communist paranoia stoked abductions of pro-democracy activists in the last days of the New Order

Sport, politics and the 1962 Asian Games

Jakarta’s 1962 Asian Games were a symbol of Sukarno’s postcolonial nation-building

Middle-path Islam

The vibrant force of As’adiyah is countering Islamic extremism and safeguarding ethnic and cultural identity

Remembering the gang rapes of May 1998

The stories of Seno Gumira Ajidarma have helped to counter the denial of a national trauma

Photo essay: Alive, but not living

Refugees in Makassar protest the sudden increase in heavy policing by immigration authorities

Distance matters: social housing for the poor

For Jakarta’s most vulnerable, vertical social housing creates more problems than it solves

City of traps

People with disabilities are being left behind by Jakarta’s massive infrastructure developments

Social exclusion in a state urban mega-development

Indonesia’s first 'new city' may not be addressing the urban problems it was supposed to 

Sectarianism, culture and politics

An emerging conservative Muslim coalition is a force to be reckoned with in Indonesian politics

Mining – who benefits?

Mining law changes in decentralising Indonesia raises new challenges and opportunities for local communities

The life and death of Indonesia’s mineral export ban

The Jokowi government’s policy shift contributes to pervasive regulatory ambiguity in Indonesia’s mining sector

Stories from Sulawesi

The 2009 mining law and the community benefit in Sulawesi

Resource nationalism as imperialism

Foreign investment in large-scale mining has encountered serious obstacles

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