Jul 27, 2024 Last Updated 4:51 AM, Jul 27, 2024


Disease control in democratic Indonesia

As infectious diseases spread, strategic governance becomes ever more important

Traveling for a cure

Rebuilding trust in doctors will be an important part of Aceh’s post-conflict recovery

A healthcare revolution in the regions

Regional governments around Indonesia are devising new and ambitious free healthcare schemes for their electorates, but to what end?

Medicine for a sick system

Healthcare in Indonesia suffers from many chronic problems that only healthier politics can cure

Review: At the scene of the crime

Essays, reflections and poetry on East Timor, 1999-2010

A new tactical toolkit

The labour movement successfully adopted new tactics in their campaign for social security reform

Born-again cosmopolitan

Pentecostalism and its expressive religiosity resonates with a new generation of Christians  

Living without a state

People in rural Papua are more interested in basic services than grand political struggles

Staying stuck

Asylum seekers from the Middle East and troubled parts of Asia can languish for years in difficult circumstances in Indonesia

Back on the streets

A national strike shows that workers are once again a significant force  

Selling nationalism

Indonesian television advertisements are constructing images of Indonesia by appropriating well-known nationalist themes

Review: Power politics

Jeffrey Winters’ Oligarchy is an epic work of comparative political insight but has little that is new to add to the study of Indonesia’s politics

New social media as a tool for activism

Indonesia is Facebooking, Twittering and blogging, but what effect is this having on campaigns for social justice? Indonesia is online. The number of Indonesians using the internet increased from two million in 2000 to over 55 million in 2012, the fourth largest number of internet users in Asia (after China, India and Japan).

Tweeting about politics

Indonesian politicians want to raise their public profile but don’t want the criticism

Rock music and social activism on the internet

Bali rockers Navicula find a platform for social change in online social media

Online networking and minority rights

LGBT communities use social media to organise despite threats of violence

Clicktivism and the real world

Social media tools are only effective if they can engage people off-line

Facebooking for reform?

Social media campaigns highlight the need for criminal law reform in Indonesia

Time bomb in Bali

A culture that suppresses conflict disguises decades-long tensions in Balinese communities

For the good of the people?

The challenges of governing ‘societal organisations’ pose difficult questions for Indonesian democracy

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