Jul 27, 2024 Last Updated 4:51 AM, Jul 27, 2024


Purchasing power

Weak rules and weak implementation meant that influence could still be bought in the 2009 elections

D-day for anti-corruption reform

Draft legislation is a prescription potentially worse than the ailment

Winning a battle, losing the war

Drug users in Indonesia are made vulnerable by current drug laws

Patrolling sexuality

The authorities and the media promote vigilantism in Aceh

Shot until dead

No end in sight for the death penalty in Indonesia

The one that got away?

Muchdi’s murder trial starts falling apart

Demonstrating diversity

Photo-essay: Yogya’s community protests against the Pornography Bill

Hot debates

A law on pornography still divides the community

No positive news

People living with HIV face corruption and incompetence in the health system

Staying clean

Drug rehabilitation in Indonesia

Beyond the Museum

Asmat bisj-poles gain new meaning in a Papuan refugee protest in Melbourne

Papua road map

Conflict resolution should move from a security to a justice approach

Freedom of expression

Whether Papuans support autonomy or independence, they should be allowed to speak freely

Arnold Ap and Theys Eluay

Political assassinations targeted West Papua’s culture and political identity

Torture in Papua

Human rights groups report on abuses

West Papua: Inside Indonesia?

This edition of Inside Indonesia marks an important anniversary, and explores the multiple faces of Indonesian Papua today

The end of fasting

Evolving performances at Hari Raya celebrations are a window into deeper cultural change

Writing for God

Piety and consumption in popular Islam

Blaming the messenger

Indonesia’s tangled public information laws are keeping the press in check

Back to the drawing board

NGOs are having to come to terms with the demands of the governance agenda

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