Oct 22, 2024 Last Updated 12:10 AM, Oct 22, 2024

Human Rights

Essay: Letter from Jakarta

Living in the midst of uncertainty

Mapping the 1965-66 killings in East Java

In the first of a series of articles we present recent work by demographers and genocide scholars at Michigan State University's Asian Studies Centre on the 1965-1966 killings. Their analysis takes the form of a collection of infographics tracing population numbers across East Java at this time.

Untreated trauma in Nduga

The plight of Papua’s internally displaced persons is not being recognised by the Indonesian government

Timotius and Freeport

Elite politics and Freeport Indonesia’s non-compliance continue to deny Timotius Kambu his owed wages

Are #DildoforIndonesia a pair of sexist pricks?

Satirical candidates that once seemed refreshing have slipped into tired obscenity

No justice at home or abroad

Indonesia’s children wrongly imprisoned in Australia still haven’t been compensated

Surviving while seeking asylum

A change in Australia’s asylum policy has denied refugees in Indonesia vital support

The red thread

A recently uncovered report reveals how anti-communist paranoia stoked abductions of pro-democracy activists in the last days of the New Order

Remembering the gang rapes of May 1998

The stories of Seno Gumira Ajidarma have helped to counter the denial of a national trauma

Social exclusion in a state urban mega-development

Indonesia’s first 'new city' may not be addressing the urban problems it was supposed to 

Stories from Sulawesi

The 2009 mining law and the community benefit in Sulawesi

Resource nationalism as imperialism

Foreign investment in large-scale mining has encountered serious obstacles

Facing history

A witness account of the 2015 International People’s Tribunal on 1965

Gambling with truth

Aceh’s Commission for Truth and Reconciliation has an important, though delicate, mission ahead

Indonesia’s diaspora citizens

After decades of neglect, Indonesia’s diaspora demands more rights

‘We are natural-born children, you are adopted’

Locals contest national citizenship rights in North Maluku

When ‘home’ is not home

Locals react coolly to ex-transmigrants who return to Java after fleeing violence elsewhere

Labour takes a citizenship approach

Despite the impressive activism of Pekalongan’s labour union, its political clout remains limited

Review: Four perspectives on Hanung Bramantyo’s Kartini

Reviewing the history behind and themes in Hanung Bramantyo's Kartini

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