Oct 22, 2024 Last Updated 12:10 AM, Oct 22, 2024

Human Rights

Feminists and LGBT

Can they work together? Religious objections make it hard

Healing the nation? Part 2

Recent attempts to address the Indonesian genocide after 1 October 1966

Healing the nation? Part 1

Recent attempts to address the Indonesian genocide after 1 October 1966

Educating the educators

Promoting gender equality and social inclusion in film education will shape the future of Indonesia’s film industry for the better

Telling human rights stories on film

AJAR works with filmmakers, human rights workers, educators and survivors to tell stories on film that aim to raise awareness, bring healing and push for change

Transformasi pendidikan film

Mempromosikan kesetaraan gender dan inklusi sosial dalam pendidikan film akan membentuk masa depan industri film Indonesia yang lebih baik

‘Tricked by a hoax’

Truth and irrational violence in West Papua

The generation that breaks the silence

The third generation since the Revolution inherited trauma and stigma. Now they are speaking out.

Generasi yang memecah kesunyian

Generasi ketiga paska Revolusi, adalah generasi yang diwarisi trauma dan stigma. Kini mereka menolak pengingkaran yang dilakukan negara dan generasi sebelumnya.

Working together to improve maternal health

In 2015 Indonesia signed up the the Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) to reduce its high rate of maternal mortality. Little progress has been made.

Acehnese fishermen and Rohingya rescue at sea

The criminalisation of people smuggling has created complex moral and legal difficulties for those who assist refugees in peril

'Spilling the tea' on sexual violence

Education Minister Nadiem Makarim’s recent acknowledgement of a ‘sexual violence pandemic’ on the nation’s campuses follows a growing wave of victims speaking out and not without risk

Selling the Omnibus Law on Job Creation

The role of cyber troops in promoting Indonesia’s controversial pro-business bill

Carmel Budiardjo (1925-2021)

Human rights campaigner Carmel Budiardjo died aged 96 on 10 July 2021, after a long and dynamic life of activism dating back to her years as a student activist in the 1940s

Beauty and belonging in West Papua

Papuan waria draw on foreign ideals of beauty in their quest for a sense of belonging in their local communities

‘We never invited you to come here’

Refugees battle racism in Indonesia

Bhinneka Tunggal Ika?

Reality often falls short of expectations

Pertarungan untuk penghapusan kekerasan seksual

Penundaan pengesahaan Rancangan Undang-Undang Penghapusan Kekerasan Seksual (RUU PKS) berbarengan dengan peningkatan kekerasan terhadap perempuan

The fight to outlaw sexual violence in Indonesia

Delays to the Sexual Violence Bill have coincided with an increase in violence against women

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