Feb 06, 2025 Last Updated 9:51 AM, Jan 27, 2025

Reviews Reviews Reviews ROOT Inequality

From guided democracy to guided science?

Incapable elites are guiding Indonesia’s scientists off course

Reformasi izin penelitian asing

Risiko kontraproduktif perubahan peran mitra Indonesia

Foreign research permit reforms

Changes to the role of Indonesian counterparts risks being counterproductive

Produksi pengetahuan di era otoritarianisme neoliberal

Pengaruh pemerintah terhadap akademisi Indonesia berakibat terabaikannya kebutuhan publik karena pengutamaan kepentingan elit ekonomi dan politik

Exchanging meanings, connecting energy

A reflection from research with survivors of Online Gender-based Violence (Kekerasan Berbasis Gender Online/KBGO)

Komunitas transgender dan etika penelitian

Komunitas transgender menetapkan standar mereka sendiri untuk praktik penelitian etis

Mengimajinasikan ruang aman

Queer Indonesia Archive (QIA) bekerja untuk melestarikan dan menjaga sejarah komunitas queer Indonesia

Review: Kartini's letters in translation

Now published in both English and Indonesian translation, the annotated collection will provide a better understanding of this Indonesian heroine

‘Tricked by a hoax’

Truth and irrational violence in West Papua

Photo essay: Welcoming Ramadan in Yogyakarta

In the month before the fasting period, Javanese Muslims perform a diversity of sacred rituals

The generation that breaks the silence

The third generation since the Revolution inherited trauma and stigma. Now they are speaking out.

Generasi yang memecah kesunyian

Generasi ketiga paska Revolusi, adalah generasi yang diwarisi trauma dan stigma. Kini mereka menolak pengingkaran yang dilakukan negara dan generasi sebelumnya.

Dutch terror camps in Bali

During the Indonesian war of independence the Dutch army set up prison camps across Bali, where torture and murder were common. It failed to break the Balinese resistance

A Moluccan soldier and his daughter

The story of a senior officer in the Royal Dutch East Indies Army (KNIL), and of his oldest daughter, give voice to Moluccan experiences in colonial history

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How Sumatrans honour the tiger, both mystical and real

Sukarno's Indonesia as seen from Yogyakarta

Jan 06, 2025 - MARK WOODWARD

Sukarno's dedication to the arts and obsession with creating a nationalist ideal live on in luxury hotels he built in the 1960s

Essay: Beyond cultural awareness

Dec 31, 2024 - VICTORIA WINATA

What is cultural awareness? Is it about knowing the habits and languages of other people? These are good intentions, but there is a lot more work to be done

Tetangga: These are the stories of our neighbours


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