Jul 27, 2024 Last Updated 10:42 AM, Jul 27, 2024

Reviews Reviews Reviews ROOT Conservation

Budaya sebagai teknologi

Mahasiswa diajarkan cara untuk memahami dampak keseharian dari pengetahuan dan teknologi di tengah merebaknya infrastruktur di Indonesia

Mengimajinasikan ruang aman

Queer Indonesia Archive (QIA) bekerja untuk melestarikan dan menjaga sejarah komunitas queer Indonesia

Culture as technology

Students are taught to understand the everyday impact of knowledge and technology in the midst of Indonesia’s infrastructure boom

Transgender communities and research ethics

In the absence of protocol or regulation the transgender community is setting their own standards for ethical research practice

Knowledge production in the age of neoliberal authoritarianism

Government influence on Indonesian academia sees the needs of the public neglected in favour of the economic and political elite

From guided democracy to guided science?

Incapable elites are guiding Indonesia’s scientists off course

Reformasi izin penelitian asing

Risiko kontraproduktif perubahan peran mitra Indonesia

Foreign research permit reforms

Changes to the role of Indonesian counterparts risks being counterproductive

Exchanging meanings, connecting energy

A reflection from research with survivors of Online Gender-based Violence (Kekerasan Berbasis Gender Online/KBGO)

Bertukar makna, bertaut energi

Sebuah refleksi dari penelitian bersama sembilan penyintas Kekerasan Berbasis Gender Online (KBGO)

Produksi pengetahuan di era otoritarianisme neoliberal

Pengaruh pemerintah terhadap akademisi Indonesia berakibat terabaikannya kebutuhan publik karena pengutamaan kepentingan elit ekonomi dan politik

Komunitas transgender dan etika penelitian

Komunitas transgender menetapkan standar mereka sendiri untuk praktik penelitian etis

Review: Kartini's letters in translation

Now published in both English and Indonesian translation, the annotated collection will provide a better understanding of this Indonesian heroine

‘Tricked by a hoax’

Truth and irrational violence in West Papua

Photo essay: Welcoming Ramadan in Yogyakarta

In the month before the fasting period, Javanese Muslims perform a diversity of sacred rituals

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