Oct 22, 2024 Last Updated 12:10 AM, Oct 22, 2024


Gendered flames

There have been improvements in understandings about the importance of women’s roles in community-based environmental initiatives, but in the realm of fire governance there is still a long way to go

Bertukar makna, bertaut energi

Sebuah refleksi dari penelitian bersama sembilan penyintas Kekerasan Berbasis Gender Online (KBGO)

Exchanging meanings, connecting energy

A reflection from research with survivors of Online Gender-based Violence (Kekerasan Berbasis Gender Online/KBGO)

Komunitas transgender dan etika penelitian

Komunitas transgender menetapkan standar mereka sendiri untuk praktik penelitian etis

Review: Kartini's letters in translation

Now published in both English and Indonesian translation, the annotated collection will provide a better understanding of this Indonesian heroine

Review essay: Constructing Indonesian girlhood on film

Two decades after the cultural shift opened up by Reformasi, hope looks very different in Indonesian cinema

To protect and conserve

A women-led ranger team in Aceh

Kartini in her own words

An essential resource for Indonesian history scholars and students, Kartini's works are now available by open access

Culture vs consent

Distrust in doctors’ decision making around c-sections is a key cause of Papuans’ avoidance of hospitals

Women rising

Women in East Kalimantan join male-dominated ‘ormas’ to empower themselves and their community

Wives and mothers and HIV

To combat HIV in Indonesia, wives and mothers must not be idealised and considered immune

Pelakor dan Instagram

Bahasa yang kita gunakan di media sosial ternyata sangat bias jender dalam memosisikan kaum perempuan dan melepaskan tanggung jawab kaum lelaki dalam narasi perselingkuhan

Ibu rumah tangga dan HIV

Perangi HIV di Indonesia, haruslah menepis penggambaran ideal ibu dan istri yang kebal dan bebas HIV

Pelakor and Instagram

Language around extramarital affairs on social media punishes women and lets men off the hook

Contraception at a crossroads

Indonesia’s 50-year-old family planning program has been a great success but is struggling to adapt with women’s needs

Electoral (in)equity

More female candidates won’t mean more women in parliament

Adolescent pregnancy in Manggarai

Premarital sex must be acknowledged as unavoidable, to end a vicious cycle of lost potential

Forbidden smoke

Banda Aceh’s anti-tobacco efforts are unfairly focused on women smokers

From mother to citizen

The New Order actively promoted citizenship of a particular kind for women

Review: Four perspectives on Hanung Bramantyo’s Kartini

Reviewing the history behind and themes in Hanung Bramantyo's Kartini

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