Jul 27, 2024 Last Updated 4:51 AM, Jul 27, 2024


After the earthquakes and tsunamis

Mental health and psychosocial support in the wake of disaster

A day in the life of Bali’s miracle worker

Professor Suryani and her team are making a difference

Kesehatan mental di desa Banten

Memberdayakan masyarakat lokal merupakan kunci dalam meningkatkan kesehatan jiwa

Kesehatan jiwa melalui internet?

Tele-mental health sebagai solusi yang menjanjikan untuk terbatasnya jumlah ahli kesehatan mental di Indonesia

Changing face of mental health

Awareness is spreading in Indonesia, but stigma and human rights breaches are still big problems

Heartbroken but hopeful, just

Indonesia’s Mental Health Law will have little impact without more regulatory support

More than medication

Cultural therapy and neurotherapy treat more than just the symptoms of poor mental health

Lebih dari memberi obat

Terapi budaya dan neuroterapi membantu pemulihan kesehatan jiwa

Mencari depresi di Indonesia

Ada kebutuhan gawat untuk dukungan kelembagaan untuk lebih memahami dan merawat kasus depresi

Perubahan wajah kesehatan jiwa di Indonesia

Kesadaran mengenai kesehatan jiwa semakin berkembang di Indonesia, namun stigma dan pelanggaran hak asasi manusia masih menjadi masalah besar

Sebuah medan pertempuran neurologis

Seorang jurnalis foto merefleksikan satu dekade mendokumentasikan nasib orang-orang dengan disabilitas psikososial di Indonesia 

A recovery-oriented model for mental health care for Indonesia?

An international team of researchers charts a course for change

Patah hati namun sedikit berharap

Undang-undang kesehatan jiwa Indonesia tak akan berhasil tanpa adanya peraturan pendukung

Essay: Celebrating Imlek, Catholic style

Practices such as Imlek masses are a welcome example of tolerance and plurality

A house of cards?

The COVID-19 crisis has highlighted the exploitation of non-formal early childhood educators 

Meet, pray, love

Religious belief and sexual identity collide often for an atheist meeting up with gay Muslims

(A history of) containment on Galang Island

Rapid construction of a COVID-19 hospital is a rare good news story for the government but the motives behind it remain unclear

Counterfeit fashion is hot property

Indonesian youth are buying more fake fashion despite some awareness of its harmful impacts

Photo essay: Jakarta's youth use trash to shape their futures

The mentors and interns at Ffrash are empowering themselves within the waste economy and striving to better society

Memotret seksualitas di Indonesia

Di tengah meningkatnya pelecehan dan pengawasan seksualitas, keragaman seksual dan pemberdayaan seksual menemukan ruangnya di Indonesia

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