Jul 27, 2024 Last Updated 5:22 AM, Jul 16, 2024


Endless stigma of HIV and COVID-19

HIV-related stigma and is making access to healthcare during the pandemic difficult

Exhibited as losers

A new artwork holds up a mirror to physical anthropology and its baseless racial categorisations

Beauty and belonging in West Papua

Papuan waria draw on foreign ideals of beauty in their quest for a sense of belonging in their local communities

Beauty and cosmopolitan whiteness

Indonesians' present-day notions of beauty are embedded in a long and complex relationship between skin colour and race

Expatriates, privilege and racism

As privileged migrants, do expats encounter racism?

Racism and poverty myths in Tanah Papua

Racist explanations hide policies and structures that contribute to poverty among Papuans

Bhinneka Tunggal Ika?

Reality often falls short of expectations

Kartini in her own words

An essential resource for Indonesian history scholars and students, Kartini's works are now available by open access

Sugar taxes save lives

Indonesia lags behind many countries in taxing high sugar drinks

An urgent mental health challenge

The demand for support for children with ASD is growing, but a lack of data and research means services remain woefully inadequate

‘We take care of our own’

COVID-19 has amplified existing societal fissures and exposed the alarming fragility of the lives of Indonesian transwomen who work as drag performers

Why so serious?

Netizens’ responses to the banning of a popular slang word raise questions about the moral character of public communication

Essay: Seeking solace in the midst of COVID-19

Book clubs and creative communities have headed online where they provide Jakartans with vital connections and solace during the pandemic

Essay: Our Home Together?

Bandung School of Peace is leading the fight against intolerance in West Java

Culture vs consent

Distrust in doctors’ decision making around c-sections is a key cause of Papuans’ avoidance of hospitals

Women rising

Women in East Kalimantan join male-dominated ‘ormas’ to empower themselves and their community

Model layanan kesehatan jiwa berfokus pada pemulihan untuk Indonesia?

Tim peneliti internasional memetakan arah perubahan

Kesehatan mental di desa Banten

Memberdayakan masyarakat lokal merupakan kunci dalam meningkatkan kesehatan jiwa

A day in the life of Bali’s miracle worker

Professor Suryani and her team are making a difference

Mental health over the internet?

Tele-mental health is a promising solution to Indonesia’s scarcity of qualified mental health professionals

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