Jul 27, 2024 Last Updated 4:51 AM, Jul 27, 2024


Bangun! Banjir!

Seorang antropolog Belanda tinggal di permukiman kumuh di bantaran kali Jakarta untuk memahami bagaimana warga di sana hidup berdampingan dengan banjir

Wake up! Flood!

A Dutch anthropologist lived in a Jakarta riverside slum to learn how residents there cope with constant flooding

Aging remarkably

A lifelong activist and retired midwife is teaching her peers to stay engaged… and not burden their children

Passing it on

On a recent study trip, journalism student Lisa Favazzo met two people giving back to their communities in extraordinary ways

Electoral (in)equity

More female candidates won’t mean more women in parliament

Gaining the grassroots vote

The urban poor and workers unions are looking to local government to improve their lot

Adolescent pregnancy in Manggarai

Premarital sex must be acknowledged as unavoidable, to end a vicious cycle of lost potential


Kemampuan media sosial untuk mencabut stigma seputar bunuh diri masih belum digunakan sepenuhnya

Reclaiming Indonesian citizenship

A ‘waria’ version of the traditional flag ceremony celebrates both nationhood and diversity

Struggling for a job

Misinformation and lack of opportunity form disproportionate barriers for rural youth looking for work

Is education the golden plough?

Flores youth migrate for education, but are their university degrees worth the investment?

Essay: In God we (don’t) trust

Irreligious youth are looking for their place in religious Indonesia


Social media’s ability to help cut through stigma and misinformation on suicide is being underutilised

No justice at home or abroad

Indonesia’s children wrongly imprisoned in Australia still haven’t been compensated

Being young, female and poor

Young women farmers in Java and Flores find themselves on the lower rungs of multiple ladders

Diversity, but how exactly?

Lessons and beliefs on inter-religious mixing can get messy for youth in Manado

Radical theatre of the difabled

Drawing upon the Theatre of the Oppressed, villagers with disabilities have an opportunity to express themselves

Essay: Contesting urban beauty in Jakarta

Walking Jakarta’s northern coastline reveals communities experiencing disruptive and rapid change

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