Jul 27, 2024 Last Updated 4:51 AM, Jul 27, 2024


Women in trade unions

No big gains for women workers

Everlasting woes

The economy will not recover under current policies

Dirk Samuel Ayamiseba (1912-2003)

Dirk Ayamiseba will be sadly missed by his family and all those who knew and respected this great Papuan leader

The neo-conservative agenda

Indonesia's conservative shift

Surviving the kleptocrazies

Reflections from former Foreign Affairs Minister and Deputy Prime Minister, Dr Roeslan Abdulgani

What is Australian for es cendol?

Empowering Indonesian women in Sydney through cookery classes

Reconciling NU and the PKI

An Interview with Pak Imam Aziz, Program Coordinator, Syarikat

Critical studies

A thriving Asian studies is integral to a critical liberal humanities program

No money, no worry

Islamic civil society in Indonesia has a great role to play in community development

Profiting from displacement

In search of honest, well-designed aid for people displaced by the Poso conflict

The IMF burden

The IMF has enriched corrupt officials while burdening ordinary Indonesians with debt

Whose stability?

Indonesia’s troubles today result from the pursuit of repressive forms of stability

Security reform

Reform of the security sector is fundamental for achieving a democratic Indonesia

Repressing reform

Democracy and autonomy are sold out to Western economic and security interests

Rotten politicians

Rotten politicians

Unity in diversity?

Ethnicity and the nation

Return of the sultans

After the New Order, pomp and ceremony is returning to dusty palaces all over Indonesia

Solidarity in suffering

Victims of the May 1998 riots seek justice and healing

Ethnic stereotyping by politicians

Ethnic stereotyping by local politicians in Lombok fails to please all

Reviving Malayness

Searching for a new dominant ethnic identity

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