Oct 22, 2024 Last Updated 12:10 AM, Oct 22, 2024


Ignorance that kills

Many Indonesian women face great difficulties in accessing safe terminations of unwanted pregnancies

Where there’s smoke, there’s politics

Campaigns against smoking are finally gaining ground, but the tobacco lobby is fighting back

The biggest cock

In Jakarta’s crowded neighbourhoods, beliefs in supernatural power and invulnerability still surround the figure of the jago tough man

Review: Power politics

Jeffrey Winters’ Oligarchy is an epic work of comparative political insight but has little that is new to add to the study of Indonesia’s politics

Facebooking for reform?

Social media campaigns highlight the need for criminal law reform in Indonesia

Time bomb in Bali

A culture that suppresses conflict disguises decades-long tensions in Balinese communities

For the good of the people?

The challenges of governing ‘societal organisations’ pose difficult questions for Indonesian democracy

Dealing with social exclusion

Illegal squatters in Jakarta struggle for recognition of their homes and livelihoods

Art for the people

Taring Padi takes stock of a more than a decade fighting the political establishment – with art as its weapon

Some people call me Robin Hood

ELISABETH KRAMER speaks to independent anti-corruption activist Arifin Wardiyanto about his ‘extremist’ approach to fighting corruption

From the archive: On death row

Inside Indonesia revisits a series of articles from its archive on the theme of the death penalty. We asked the authors of these articles to write an update to accompany their pieces  

On death row

Dozens of Acehnese drug offenders face the death penalty in Malaysia

Supporting syariah, advancing women

The life and work of an Islamic teacher in Aceh shows that the struggle for gender equality is about much more than syariah.

Resistance through memory

The victims of the Lapindo mudflow disaster continue to assert their rights to compensation

A terrible legacy

Indonesian doctors have been persecuted for providing safe abortions for almost a century

Prosperity denied

Mining is booming in East Nusa Tenggara, but where is the wealth going?

Sympathy for the Devil

Pining for the certainty of the Suharto era

Religious Bandung

Bandung’s government opts for a religious program that matches the city’s character

God and democracy

A Christian church is asserting its democratic rights by suing the mayor of Depok

A storm in a bank vault

The much publicised ‘Bank Century’ case is unlikely to do any lasting damage to SBY

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