Oct 22, 2024 Last Updated 12:10 AM, Oct 22, 2024


Commodifying conservation in Borneo

Does the social marketing approach answer the big questions of conservation in Indonesia?

A write-off

School textbooks in Indonesia fail to teach environmental sustainability

Environmental child soldiers

Surabayan children are fighting to improve their local environment

An urgent need for Environmental Education

Can Indonesia save its beauty and biodiversity through Environmental Education?

Safe water at a premium

The UN’s claim that 87 per cent of Indonesians have access to safe drinking water seems exaggerated

Something's cooking

Biogas reduces the burden of fossil fuel subsidies

Heritage adrift

What next for Indonesia’s underwater cultural heritage?

Good intentions, mixed realities

Bali’s World Heritage listing has put its rice-farming culture under stress 

Shifting sands

Archeology and public participation in Indonesian heritage management

Cultural heritage: The politics of pictures of Indonesia

When visitors take pictures of Indonesia, they tend to photograph Indonesia’s cultural heritage.  These pictures share certain qualities. They seem harmonious and to be of activities or places that have remained the same for generations or centuries. They also often exclude people or represent them as bound by history and relics of a past era

Samarinda’s deadly mining pits

The end of the boom has not meant an end to the perilous impact of coal mining in East Kalimantan

Transboundary haze 

A regional problem with a regional cause  

Review: Palm oil and patronage

An investigation into the transboundary haze and the palm plantations in Indonesia

Punkrock and global protest culture

An environmental movement is generating new forms of resistance by fusing traditional and contemporary Balinese art with social media

Certification: curse or blessing?

At a workshop in Bali, experts reflect on the sustainable production of Indonesia’s cash crops

Negotiating adat

The Kasepuhan community are at the cutting edge of a movement to restore customary forest rights

Haze of democracy

Elections are fuelling the forest fires in Central Kalimantan

Trials of a mother

For women giving birth in East Nusa Tenggara (NTT) and other rural and remote parts of Indonesia, adequate facilities and trained health workers are not easily reached

Maukah saya menjadi petani?

Para pemuda yang tinggal di desa berbasis pertanian menjelaskan keraguan dan aspirasi mereka tentang masa depan di bidang pertanian

How vulnerable is Indonesia to future climate change?

To understand the future of Indonesian precipitation, climate scientists are looking into the distant past

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