Oct 22, 2024 Last Updated 12:10 AM, Oct 22, 2024


Being young, female and poor

Young women farmers in Java and Flores find themselves on the lower rungs of multiple ladders

Islam-inspired renewable energy

A collaboration between a teacher and farmers in Central Java is unlocking the potential of an indigenous biofuel source

Mining – who benefits?

Mining law changes in decentralising Indonesia raises new challenges and opportunities for local communities

The life and death of Indonesia’s mineral export ban

The Jokowi government’s policy shift contributes to pervasive regulatory ambiguity in Indonesia’s mining sector

Stories from Sulawesi

The 2009 mining law and the community benefit in Sulawesi

Resource nationalism as imperialism

Foreign investment in large-scale mining has encountered serious obstacles

Has resource extraction reduced poverty? 

The benefits of more concentrated natural resources are less likely to be spread

Mining and equitable development

Mining dominates East Luwu GDP but development of agriculture underpins equitable development

Small-scale mining in Central Kalimantan

After reformasi, Kereng Pangi, Kalimantan became the site of a gold rush

Mining the land, mining people

Irrespective of location or commodity, peasants now compete with multinational mining companies on the mineral-rich tracts of Indonesia

Multiplier effects on the Bombana goldfields

Benefits ripple outwards but local government struggles to regulate the process

Church-based resistance to mining in Manggarai

Resistance is a way of defending local people’s rights in dealing with mining policy

Mining mercury in an Indonesian periphery

Improved market chain monitoring and recognition of sociocultural dynamics are important for central mercury control

Community mining in West Timor

Small-scale manganese mining supports livelihood diversity

Fighting apathy, seeking engagement

Students have mixed feelings about a mandatory community service program at Indonesian universities

Comes with the territory

Compromises must be made in the quest for indigeneity among the Dayak Meratus

Farmers’ worst enemy

Over-use of pesticides is making the crops ‘sick’, but only farmers educated about the environment understand this

Anticipating the future

Success and failure of Indramayu farmers’ responses to El-Niño

Fighting for existence

Environmental education is empowering rural youth to protect their hamlet from a luxury resort project 

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