Oct 22, 2024 Last Updated 12:10 AM, Oct 22, 2024


Villagers keep the seas alive

Coastal villagers will protect reefs if they know it is in their interest. IAN DUTTON and BRIAN CRAWFORD report on an international project that goes to the cutting edge.

Pak Rabun and the wilderness

Across Kalimantan by boat and on foot

In the forests of the night

Living with tigers in South Aceh

Reformasi and Riau's forests

A weak government struggles with 'people power', poverty and pulp companies

Kalimantan's peatland disaster

Greed and stupidity destroy the last peatland wilderness, home to thousands of orangutan

Get your act together, Aussie!

Without Suharto to help out, an Australian gold mining company in Kalimantan is having trouble with the local community

Indorayon's last gasp?

Popular protest closes a huge paper and pulp mill in Sumatra, but others go on polluting

Saving Bunaken

Involved locals are saving one of the world's most beautiful marine parks

Suharto's fires

Suharto cronies control an ASEAN-wide oil palm industry with an appalling environmental record

Mine thy neighbour

The Australian government needs to control Australian miners in Indonesia

Back to the roots

After the bomb, community tourism needs a boost

Sustainable recovery

Balinese people favour green initiatives in recovery effort

Risky business

Mining interests in Indonesia are facing challenging times

Pesticide policy in Indonesia

What sort of attempt is being made to control the use of pesticides?

Zakir's demise

Protest poetry lives on in post-Suharto Indonesia

Turtle satay?

Attitudes towards turtle consumption are changing in Bali

Genetic modification

Farmers illustrate their understanding of GM

Recycling in Sukunan

Australian university students lend a helping hand

Jakarta's rubbish nightmare

Mountains of garbage and nowhere to put it

The magic of Alas Purwo National Park

Alas Purwo is one of Java’s last remaining sacred spaces

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