Jul 27, 2024 Last Updated 4:51 AM, Jul 27, 2024


A city without social justice

Jakarta needs more green space, but not at the expense of the poor

Fighting over the land and forest

Century-old conflicts persist in the vast tracts of Indonesia that are designated as state forest

Land, ethnicity and politics

Direct local elections have led to new developments in the struggle for land rights in East Kalimantan

Too precious to mine

Central Java farmers refuse to get stuck in cement

Land titles do not equal agrarian reform

Activists split with Indonesia’s government over whether land registration helps the rural poor

The trouble with oil palm

Conflicts between villagers and plantation companies in Sumatra are still unresolved

Development for the rich

Gated communities are built with little concern for their social and environmental impacts

Social justice by design

Architect Antonio Ismael Risianto promotes planning for the urban poor

Surviving conflict

Aceh’s performing arts have blossomed despite the conflict and the tsunami

Water woes

Private sector participation in Jakarta’s water supply has left many citizens high and dry

Tangguh goes onstream

BP’s massive LNG project is due to begin operations in late 2008, despite social and environmental costs

Torture in Papua

Human rights groups report on abuses

West Papua: Inside Indonesia?

This edition of Inside Indonesia marks an important anniversary, and explores the multiple faces of Indonesian Papua today

Blaming the messenger

Indonesia’s tangled public information laws are keeping the press in check

Trouble in Paradise

A land conflict on the tourist island of Gili Trawangan dates back decades

Jungle Schools

Volunteers bring alternative education to marginalised communities

Bali'€™s wild side

Managing conservation, tourism and the needs of local communities in Bali Barat National Park

Voices from the muddy void

Living with the Lapindo disaster

Miracle solution or imminent disaster?

Jatropha biofuel production in Sumba, East Nusa Tenggara

Sand rafts - a photo essay

Along the Opak River in Pundong, near Bantul, Yogyakarta, locals trade their sweat for a pile of sand.

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