Oct 22, 2024 Last Updated 12:10 AM, Oct 22, 2024


Memeing the precarity of Indonesian startup workers

Beyond the hype, workers in this booming industry are seeking not only comic relief, but real improvements in their conditions. An Instagram account is helping with both.

Racism and poverty myths in Tanah Papua

Racist explanations hide policies and structures that contribute to poverty among Papuans

‘We take care of our own’

COVID-19 has amplified existing societal fissures and exposed the alarming fragility of the lives of Indonesian transwomen who work as drag performers

Far-sighted approach to migrant rights

The Indonesian government is much more interested in its own citizens abroad than Filipino migrant workers under its nose

Indonesia’s energy dilemma

Introduction to the edition

Photo Essay: From the field

Be there! Exploring small oil palm plantations from Riau (not Europe)

Artists seek assistance

Javanese traditional musicians are among the many artists and performers struggling to survive, or qualify for government payments under COVID restrictions

A house of cards?

The COVID-19 crisis has highlighted the exploitation of non-formal early childhood educators 

Bogus redemption

Mudik forms a bogus redemption for many precarious workers amid a lack of decent jobs in both rural and urban areas

Passing it on

On a recent study trip, journalism student Lisa Favazzo met two people giving back to their communities in extraordinary ways

Struggling for a job

Misinformation and lack of opportunity form disproportionate barriers for rural youth looking for work

Is education the golden plough?

Flores youth migrate for education, but are their university degrees worth the investment?

Islam-inspired renewable energy

A collaboration between a teacher and farmers in Central Java is unlocking the potential of an indigenous biofuel source

Menyoal jarak: Hunian sosial bagi masyarakat miskin

Bagi kelompok miskin Jakarta, hunian sosial vertikal lebih banyak membawa masalahan daripada solusi

Roadside medicine men

Bootleg medicine sales are part of Indonesia’s healthcare infrastructure

Transport policy in gridlock

Attractive public transport and well-considered traffic policies are what Jakarta needs

Minibus and Transjakarta: Transport wars?

New mass transport infrastructure is disrupting Jakarta’s minibus economy

Distance matters: social housing for the poor

For Jakarta’s most vulnerable, vertical social housing creates more problems than it solves

Essay: Masked but not hidden

A small museum in Java is preserving a storytelling tradition, and the thoughts and feelings behind it

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