Oct 22, 2024 Last Updated 12:10 AM, Oct 22, 2024


Film and community in a pandemic

A short film festival in Bali found a COVID-safe way to continue to bring people together

Ki Poedijono (1940-2021)

Obituary of Ki Poedijono: dhalang (puppeteer), musician, dancer and gamelan teacher

Exhibited as losers

A new artwork holds up a mirror to physical anthropology and its baseless racial categorisations

Seni pertunjukan dan pandemi

Dalam edisi ini, penulis-penulis kami merinci dampak pandemi yang menghancurkan pada sektor seni pertunjukan Indonesia, tetapi juga semangat ketahanan yang mendorong para seniman ini untuk terus maju.

Wayangan dalam bayang-bayang COVID-19

Seniman dan penonton pertunjukan wayang kulit purwa di Jakarta beradaptasi menghadapi kesulitan di tengah pandemi COVID-19

Teater di masa COVID 19

Keterbatasan telah lama menentukan teater modern Indonesia, sehingga pandemi tidak dapat menghentikan kemajuan

Essay: Don’t forget to wash up

Locked out of live theatre, Dina spent time pondering the meaning of physical space, enjoying rest time and helping others stay safe

Theatre in the time of COVID 19

Limitations have long defined Indonesia’s modern theatre, so the pandemic could not stop progress

Re/Imagining the Indonesian theatre community in the time of the pandemic

In Maumere, Flores, in the midst of the challenges posed by pandemic restrictions a local theatre group has discovered new opportunities to develop their art practice

‘We take care of our own’

COVID-19 has amplified existing societal fissures and exposed the alarming fragility of the lives of Indonesian transwomen who work as drag performers

The performing arts and the pandemic

In this edition our contributors detail the devastating impact of the pandemic on Indonesia's performing arts sector, but also the spirit of resilience driving these artists on

Puppetry in the shadow of COVID-19

Javanese shadow puppet performance artists and audiences in Jakarta adapt to the hardships of the COVID-19 pandemic

Esei: Jangan lupa cuci piring

Terkunci dari teater langsung, Dina menghabiskan waktu merenungkan arti ruang fisik, menikmati waktu istirahat, dan membantu orang lain tetap aman

Sexy killers

Bringing the coal industry and the oligarchs into focus

Essay: Seeking solace in the midst of COVID-19

Book clubs and creative communities have headed online where they provide Jakartans with vital connections and solace during the pandemic

Artists seek assistance

Javanese traditional musicians are among the many artists and performers struggling to survive, or qualify for government payments under COVID restrictions

#EroticArt: Agency, advocacy and women’s sexuality

Art and activism combine to drive the discourse about female sexuality on Instagram

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Elusive promises of the Yogyakarta International Airport’s aerotropolis


Yogyakarta's new international airport and aerotropolis embody national aspirations, but at what cost to the locals it has displaced?

Book review: Beauty within tragedy

Sep 09, 2024 - DUNCAN GRAHAM

Strong ties

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Tradition helps Minangkabau protect the land from foreign investors

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