Jul 27, 2024 Last Updated 4:51 AM, Jul 27, 2024


An unsolved puzzle

Review: A new book on Christianity in Indonesia fails to throw light on the startling prominence of women in the church in Minahasa

Review: Refugees and Rebels

Indonesian Exiles in Wartime Australia

Chocolate Strawberry

An Indonesian film breaks new ground on the subject of teenage sexuality

Book reviews

Suharto's Indonesia, W Papua's Dani people, and Art as politics

Review: Masters of terror

Indonesia’s Military and Violence in East Timor

Review: The Indonesian Presidency

The Shift from Personal towards Constitutional Rule

Review: Democratising Indonesia

The Challenges of Civil Society in the Era of Reformasi

Review: Women Shaping Islam

Reading the Qur’an in Indonesia

Review: Desire - divine and demonic

Balinese mysticism in the paintings of I Ketut Budiana and I Gusti Nyoman Mirdiana

Review: A not-so-distant horror: Mass Violence in East Timor

Joseph Nevins challenges the idea that external powers simply failed to act in the face of the brutal occupation of East Timor.

Review: Verandah of violence

Seattle, Singapore University Press, with University of Washington Press, 2006 ISBN 9789971693312 A$58.00

Non-conformist memoirs

Oei Tjoe Tat was not always an obscure name

Moluccan separatism

Richard Chauvel has written what must be the definitive study of the colonial history of Ambon.

Soul painting

A book that testifies to the burgeoning of the arts in Indonesia over the last thirty years.

The army's single function

Wing Commander Ian MacFarling has produced a well-researched book on the often misunderstood 'dual function' of Abri, the Indonesian Armed Forces.

Nineteenth century nationalism

Ahmat B. Adam, The vernacular press and the emergence of modern Indonesian consciousness (1855-1913), Cornell University, 1995. xiii, 206 pp.

Two Sumatran films

The National Library of Australia now has the most comprehensive collection of Indonesian films available outside of Indonesia. Two films in this collection come from Sumatra.

Finger in the pie

Audrey R. & George McT. Kahin, Subversion as foreign policy: The secret Eisenhower and Dulles debacle in Indonesia, New York: The New Press/ Petaling Jaya: Forum, 1995.

Timor's betrayal

James Dunn, East Timor: a people betrayed, Sydney: ABC Books, new edition 1996, 365 pp, RRP: AU$34.95.

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