Jul 27, 2024 Last Updated 4:51 AM, Jul 27, 2024

Aceh negotiation ups and downs

7 Aug 1998 - Armed Forces Commander General Wiranto announces the lifting of Aceh's Special Operations Area (DOM) status, apologises for human rights abuse

4 Feb 1999 - Large Acehnese student congress (Kongres Mahasiswa dan Pemuda Aceh Serantau) demands referendum on Aceh's future. The call is taken up by religious leaders

Jun 1999 - Aceh military commander Col Syarifuddin Tippe offers GAM ceasefire negotiations

4 Nov 1999 - New President Abdurrahman Wahid says the Acehnese have a right to a referendum, but immediately 'clarifies' this

27 Jan 2000 - Negotiations begin in Geneva between the Indonesian government and GAM, facilitated by Henry Dunant Centre (HDC)

12 May 2000 - Humanitarian Pause agreed in Geneva. Not quite a ceasefire, it emphasises humanitarian cooperation

Sep 2000 - Humanitarian Pause extended till 15 January 2001

Jan 2001 - The Joint Forum in Geneva agrees to negotiate about 'substantive issues' to 'seek a formula for a lasting and comprehensive solution to the conflict in Aceh'

15 Jan 2001 - The Humanitarian Pause, renamed a Moratorium, is extended for only one month amid hardened rhetoric and growing violence from both sides

Mar 2001 - Exxon closes its three gas fields in Aceh after GAM attacks. They reopen in July

12 Mar 2001 - Indonesian cabinet declares GAM 'separatist'

11 Apr 2001 - President Wahid issues a presidential instruction (Inpres 4/ 2001) that permits redeployment of more troops to Aceh

20 Jul 2001 - Arrest of six GAM negotiators at Kuala Tripa Hotel, Banda Aceh

23 Jul 2001 - President Megawati Sukarnoputri installed. Her Foreign Minister, Hassan Wirayuda, was the chief Indonesian negotiator in Geneva

5 Feb 2002 - Military Area (Kodam) re-established in Aceh, amid determined push by TNI to defeat GAM insurgency

Inside Indonesia 70: Apr - Jun 2002

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