Jul 27, 2024 Last Updated 4:51 AM, Jul 27, 2024


Countering the information void to beat COVID-19

In the absence of reliable government information, citizens are stepping up to share local stories on COVID-19 and keep each other informed about the state of the pandemic

Essay: Our Home Together?

Bandung School of Peace is leading the fight against intolerance in West Java

Labour takes a citizenship approach

Despite the impressive activism of Pekalongan’s labour union, its political clout remains limited

Environmental child soldiers

Surabayan children are fighting to improve their local environment

Interview with an activist: Soe Tjen Marching

Standing up in the name of truth and justice

Resisting limbo

Self-organisation amongst refugees in Indonesia

Review: 'Enduring impunity': Women surviving atrocities in the absence of justice

Ongoing impunity for perpetrators continues to impact on the lives of women survivors

Politics from below

Street vendors have organised successfully at the local level, but effective national organisation has proved more elusive

Clicktivism and the real world

Social media tools are only effective if they can engage people off-line

In search of sustainable farming

Bali-based NGOs are an important part of Indonesia’s growing sustainable agriculture movement

Theatre of life

A new generation of Indonesian theatre activists is staging performances based on the everyday experiences of local communities

Resistance through memory

The victims of the Lapindo mudflow disaster continue to assert their rights to compensation

Homophobia on the rise

Recent attacks on lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender meetings reveal the growing influence of Islamist groups and highlight unequal protection of citizenship rights

Costly inducements

Pocket money given to intending migrant domestic workers comes at a price

Passports optional

Indonesian migrant workers without visas - or sometimes even passports - rely on the help of middlemen to get past immigration checkpoints into East Malaysia

Oppressed and they know it

Indonesian fishers in Taiwan are beginning to fight back

Organising for migrant worker rights

Non-governmental organisations continue to fill the gap in the absence of viable alternatives

Learning to lead

Against the odds, Indonesian domestic workers have achieved real change in Hong Kong

The addiction cycle

Photo-essay: Drug users in Jakarta are trapped in a deadly equation

Seeking representation

Activists in Palu remain confined to the political margins

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