Jul 27, 2024 Last Updated 4:48 AM, Jul 27, 2024


Indonesia’s diaspora citizens

After decades of neglect, Indonesia’s diaspora demands more rights

Subaltern cosmopolitans

Riau Islanders prove you don’t have to be rich, or even mobile, to be a citizen of the world

High stakes

ASRIANA KEBON speaks to Indonesian underage minors who were returned to Indonesia following age determination hearings in Darwin

On death row

Dozens of Acehnese drug offenders face the death penalty in Malaysia

Costly inducements

Pocket money given to intending migrant domestic workers comes at a price

Passports optional

Indonesian migrant workers without visas - or sometimes even passports - rely on the help of middlemen to get past immigration checkpoints into East Malaysia

American dreams

Undocumented Indonesian migrant labourers - known locally as kuli dollar - work long hours in difficult conditions in search of prosperity in Philadelphia

Leaving Indonesia

As this edition shows, the choices faced by those who leave Indonesia for work are anything but simple

Learning to lead

Against the odds, Indonesian domestic workers have achieved real change in Hong Kong

Second-class citizens?

Poverty and mobility mark the neglected east

Rulers in their own country?

Special autonomy and Papuan aspirations have been thwarted by Jakarta and hampered by the administrative fragmentation sponsored by local politicians

Faith, flags and festivities

Images of highlanders at home and abroad

Beyond the Museum

Asmat bisj-poles gain new meaning in a Papuan refugee protest in Melbourne

Inventing Papua

Migrants from South Sulawesi have played an important role in manufacturing a Papuan identity

Seeking Soeparno

A man who left his home to work in a plantation half-way around the world

Rich, Asian and all-natural

Indonesia’s wealthy partake of a booming spa tourism industry, joining a pan-Asian community of well-to-do consumers of the ‘non-west’

Tourism in question

In our new edition, Inside Indonesia explores different perspectives on tourism.

Aceh: Two years of peace

 In welcoming you to our new version of Inside Indonesia, it’s fitting that we focus on one of the greatest achievements of Indonesia’s democratisation: peace in Aceh.

Aceh homebound?

In the wake of peace, Acehnese living in Malaysia are thinking about return. But it can be tough leaving a new life to start afresh back home.

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