Feb 06, 2025 Last Updated 9:51 AM, Jan 27, 2025

Gender Rights

Feminists and LGBT

Can they work together? Religious objections make it hard

Educating the educators

Promoting gender equality and social inclusion in film education will shape the future of Indonesia’s film industry for the better

Transformasi pendidikan film

Mempromosikan kesetaraan gender dan inklusi sosial dalam pendidikan film akan membentuk masa depan industri film Indonesia yang lebih baik

Working together to improve maternal health

In 2015 Indonesia signed up the the Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) to reduce its high rate of maternal mortality. Little progress has been made.

'Spilling the tea' on sexual violence

Education Minister Nadiem Makarim’s recent acknowledgement of a ‘sexual violence pandemic’ on the nation’s campuses follows a growing wave of victims speaking out and not without risk

Beauty and belonging in West Papua

Papuan waria draw on foreign ideals of beauty in their quest for a sense of belonging in their local communities

Pertarungan untuk penghapusan kekerasan seksual

Penundaan pengesahaan Rancangan Undang-Undang Penghapusan Kekerasan Seksual (RUU PKS) berbarengan dengan peningkatan kekerasan terhadap perempuan

The fight to outlaw sexual violence in Indonesia

Delays to the Sexual Violence Bill have coincided with an increase in violence against women

Kekerasan seksual dan perempuan pekerja

Rancangan Undang-undang Penghapusan Kekerasan Seksual (RUU PKS) akan membantu melindungi perempuan di tempat kerja

Sexual violence and women workers

Indonesia’s proposed sexual violence elimination law will help protect women in the workplace

#MeToo Indonesia

Indonesian feminists are capitalising on #MeToo, and using social media to facilitate offline action

Hip-hop: a missed opportunity

Hip-hop should be combating, not reinforcing, the problem of sexual violence in West Papua

Hip-hop: peluang yang terlewatkan

Hip-hop seharusnya menjadi alat untuk memerangi kasus kekerasan seksual di Papua, bukannya malah mendukung lahirnya kasus-kasus serupa

Fearing the queer

Indonesia’s national image excludes many, in clear contradiction with its laws and principles

Are #DildoforIndonesia a pair of sexist pricks?

Satirical candidates that once seemed refreshing have slipped into tired obscenity

Remembering the gang rapes of May 1998

The stories of Seno Gumira Ajidarma have helped to counter the denial of a national trauma

Review: Four perspectives on Hanung Bramantyo’s Kartini

Reviewing the history behind and themes in Hanung Bramantyo's Kartini

Indonesia’s woman to watch

Yenny Wahid is the new face of moderate Islam

A dispensable threat

LGBT rights and recognition have been under attack in the Indonesian media, for various reasons

‘No more money for our needles’

HIV prevention programs lack financial support, with serious consequences

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Sukarno's Indonesia as seen from Yogyakarta

Jan 06, 2025 - MARK WOODWARD

Sukarno's dedication to the arts and obsession with creating a nationalist ideal live on in luxury hotels he built in the 1960s

Essay: Beyond cultural awareness

Dec 31, 2024 - VICTORIA WINATA

What is cultural awareness? Is it about knowing the habits and languages of other people? These are good intentions, but there is a lot more work to be done

Tetangga: These are the stories of our neighbours


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