Oct 22, 2024 Last Updated 12:10 AM, Oct 22, 2024


Bali’s pandemic, its impacts and legacies

What impact has the pandemic had on the lives of Bali's people, and what possible changes has it left in its wake?

The island for the dogs

The lives of Bali’s unique population of dogs have also been significantly impacted by the pandemic

Bali, where are you heading?

After being devastated by the pandemic, will Bali’s tourism industry rebound or have the locals moved on?

Film and community in a pandemic

A short film festival in Bali found a COVID-safe way to continue to bring people together

Coral reef conservation and the communities leading the way

Major policy shifts are needed to prevent the destruction of the reefs, but for now, coastal communities are having an impact and the reduction in tourism due to COVID-19 is offering some breathing space

Traditional village institutions and the Village Law

The Village Law provides recognition for traditional village institutions, but villagers in Bali and Mentawai are not interested

Good intentions, mixed realities

Bali’s World Heritage listing has put its rice-farming culture under stress 

Punkrock and global protest culture

An environmental movement is generating new forms of resistance by fusing traditional and contemporary Balinese art with social media

Certification: curse or blessing?

At a workshop in Bali, experts reflect on the sustainable production of Indonesia’s cash crops

Review: Sites, Bodies and Stories

History and heritage in the Indonesian imagination

Press representation of the ‘Bali Nine’ in Indonesia and Australia

A survey reveals that reporting of the Australians on death row did not foster better understanding of each country’s point of view

T-shirt cosmopolitanism

Popular forms of writing in public reveal the richness of Balinese revitalisation

Palm-leaf manuscripts in today’s Bali

The world of lontar will likely continue side by side with the new technologies of our digital age

Film review: Bitter Honey

Robert Lemelson’s latest documentary film takes his audience inside the lives of the women, men and children living in polygamous families in Bali

Wild West Batur

Beyond the tourism and real estate frontiers in Bali is a small branch of the global resource frontier.

Barking mad, biting back

Cultural clashes emerge as Bali struggles to eradicate rabies

Floating World

See the world and be exploited

More than a fatal attraction

Outsiders see arak consumption as a highly dangerous activity, but arak plays an important role in Balinese society

Rock music and social activism on the internet

Bali rockers Navicula find a platform for social change in online social media

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