Jul 27, 2024 Last Updated 4:51 AM, Jul 27, 2024

68: Rewriting history

68: Rewriting history
Published: Oct 12, 2001

Oct-Dec 2001

Politics and Human Rights

Ethnic fascism in Borneo Old elites in Central Kalimantan discover new and dangerous strategies - Gerry van Klinken

Laskar Jihad A spiritual home for the lost, this militant sect is used by dangerous elites for their own ends - IRIP News Service

Mother of the nation For now, reformasi is dead. But Mega didn't kill it - Edward Aspinall

Radical or reformist? How Islamic will the new movements make Indonesia? - Bernhard Platzdasch

The return of 'Shock therapy' Overseas friends stand by persecuted Acehnese human rights workers - Signe Poulsen

Rewriting history

Whitlam knew Indonesian military intelligence kept Australia fully informed (and complicit) in its 1975 East Timor invasion plans - Paul Monk

Out of the black hole After the New Order, the lid on Indonesia's past is beginning to lift - Hilmar Farid

The first Asian boat people Strange things began to happen when Indonesian refugees came to Australia during World War II - Jan Lingard

Romo Mangun Tribute to a multi-talented, national figure - Catherine Mills

For kicks The history of football is a history of Indonesia itself - Freek Colombijn

A soldier's historian New Order generals needed new history books. Nugroho Notosusanto was their man. - Kate McGregor

The Suharto Museum What gifts did Aussie prime ministers bestow on President Suharto? - Pam Allen

Merdeka! Indonesian poems selected by Harry Aveling

Rebel rises from the dead Sulawesians believe that Qahhar, their rebel hero, has risen again - Andi Faisal Bakti

Untold stories On the other side of 1965 lay a vibrant Indonesia worth remembering - Ann Laura Stoler


Water, land, and SuhartoReview: Both books illustrate how the Suharto family exploited Indonesia - Ron Witton

Historical Atlas of IndonesiaReview: Robert Cribb's Historical Atlas is breathtaking in its scope and presentation - Ron Witton

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Inside Indonesia 68: Oct-Dec 2001

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