Apr 28, 2024 Last Updated 1:12 AM, Apr 19, 2024

Fiction & Essays Fiction & Essays Fiction & Essays Maluku Maluku ROOT

Cultural blind-spots of the Anti-Sexual Violence Law

Dealing with sexual violence in Indonesia calls for culturally sensitive and context-specific approaches

A history of film activism

Though characterised by autocracy and authoritarianism, political dissent found a place in the cinema of the Sukarno and Suharto eras

Internationalisation as democratisation?

Film festivals, streaming and creative freedom

Filming female agency in environmental activism

Recent documentaries have highlighted the agency of women in tackling the local and global environmental challenges of our time 

Educating the educators

Promoting gender equality and social inclusion in film education will shape the future of Indonesia’s film industry for the better

Telling human rights stories on film

AJAR works with filmmakers, human rights workers, educators and survivors to tell stories on film that aim to raise awareness, bring healing and push for change

Maximum impact

The production and strategic planning behind films looking to effect social change in Indonesia is slowly reaching a new level of sophistication

Internasionalisasi sebagai demokratisasi?

Festival film, streaming, dan kebebasan berkreasi

Transformasi pendidikan film

Mempromosikan kesetaraan gender dan inklusi sosial dalam pendidikan film akan membentuk masa depan industri film Indonesia yang lebih baik

Screen politics

The production of visual content has exploded in recent years. Increasingly this medium is being used in innovative ways to tell stories and encourage action on political and social issues

Merekam agen perempuan dalam aktivisme lingkungan

Sejumlah film dokumenter terbaru telah menyoroti peran perempuan dalam menghadapi tantangan lingkungan lokal dan global pada masa kini.

Komunitas transgender dan etika penelitian

Komunitas transgender menetapkan standar mereka sendiri untuk praktik penelitian etis

Culture as technology

Students are taught to understand the everyday impact of knowledge and technology in the midst of Indonesia’s infrastructure boom

Knowledge production in the age of neoliberal authoritarianism

Government influence on Indonesian academia sees the needs of the public neglected in favour of the economic and political elite

Mengimajinasikan ruang aman

Queer Indonesia Archive (QIA) bekerja untuk melestarikan dan menjaga sejarah komunitas queer Indonesia

Budaya sebagai teknologi

Mahasiswa diajarkan cara untuk memahami dampak keseharian dari pengetahuan dan teknologi di tengah merebaknya infrastruktur di Indonesia

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The Jokowi-Luhut alliance


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