Oct 22, 2024 Last Updated 12:10 AM, Oct 22, 2024


Campaigning for agrarian reform

Rahmat Ajiguna talks to Eve Warburton about the need to make farmers the centre of food security in Indonesia

Making food politics personal

Young people in Yogyakarta turn unused urban space into edible gardens

Rethinking Indonesia’s beef self-sufficiency agenda

The government’s latest approach is not the most effective or efficient way to promote food security

Food security in Indonesia

Despite being a middle-income country, many Indonesians still face the prospect of going hungry

A matter of life or death for the Indonesian nation?

Hunger remains a problem in many Indonesian households

Indonesia’s new anarchists

Insurrectionary anarchists, with international connections, nihilist values and a penchant for arson, are moving to fill the vacuum on the left

Fantasising romance overseas

Transgender Indonesian migrants are looking for romance and security in Europe, but nothing is easy 

Caught between two happinesses

Young Indonesian lesbians struggle with the pressure to marry

Photo essay: Positive is negative

HIV/AIDS is posing an ever greater threat to the health and welfare of people in the highlands of Papua

Lives endangered

Three stories of people with HIV/AIDS in the central highlands of Papua show that both the government and community have a long way to go in confronting this major epidemic

More than a fatal attraction

Outsiders see arak consumption as a highly dangerous activity, but arak plays an important role in Balinese society

Big prison, little prison

Stories from Papua’s political prisoners show life at the edge of freedom

On the struggle for press freedom

Former political prisoner Eko Maryadi speaks to Nikki Edwards about his incarceration during the New Order

Life and death in immigration detention

Detained asylum seekers face massive hurdles in accessing rights and protection

A mysterious illness

Panas dalam can kill, but it can also be cured by a phone call

Review: Power, change, and gender relations in rural Java

Tickamyer and Kusujiarti’s new book is essential reading

Land of ghosts

Papua’s rural lowlands are being transformed by an encroaching global economy, but what happens to the people there is an open question

Legislating against the supernatural

Indonesia’s parliament is cracking down on sorcery

Review: When perpetrators speak

Joshua Oppenheimer’s groundbreaking new film raises disturbing questions about why perpetrators of the 1965-66 mass killings still enjoy impunity for their actions

An interview with Joshua Oppenheimer

The filmmaker explains that The Act of Killing exposes the imagination of terror

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