Jan 20, 2025 Last Updated 12:13 AM, Jan 7, 2025

Reviews Reviews Reviews Reviews ROOT

Islamic liberalism

Islamic liberalism: cause or consequence of the ‘conservative turn’?


Review: Opposing Suharto


Looking back

Freedom of religion ... within limits

Freedom of religion … within limits

Daniel S Lev

Doyen of Indonesian law and politics, Dan Lev (1934–2006) was at home with Indonesian activists.

Clifford Geertz

An eminent anthropologist, Clifford Geertz (1926–2006) influenced the work of those who followed.

Contested land claims

Which Dongi people should be compensated for land?

Snakefruit -n- seaweed

Bali’s new Village Ecotourism Network provides an alternative to mass tourism.

Unions act globally

Workers unite to win severance pay for retrenched Securicor Indonesia employees.

Aceh elections

Independent candidates with GAM backgrounds dominate elections for governor and district heads.

Petruk as counsellor

Post-earthquake, Klaten villagers receive laughing therapy through wayang.

Suharto (8 June 1921- 27 January 2008)

A career soldier who commanded a country.

Twenty candles for Inside Indonesia

How ever did we get through 20 years? And what does the future hold? Gerry van Klinken When Inside Indonesia was born in a Fitzroy restaurant in 1983, Suharto was at the height of his powers and East Timor solidarity organisations were beginning to settle in for the long haul. Twenty years later, Suharto is gone and East Timor is free. Looking back, what have we learnt (other than that it's hard yakka keeping a little magazine going)? What's next? It's tempting to flick through past editions and remember the highs and lows. The highs? Robert Domm's 1990 interview with Xanana in the mountains (#25 Dec 1990) has to be one, the whole Papuan edition (#67 Jul-Sep 2001) another. And the lows? Well there are a few that make my ears tingle to think of them. Let us know your candidates for the best and the worst. However, let us do this thematically. The magazine has always aimed to communicate, to report, and to take sides on Indonesian issues for non-Indonesian readers. To communicate you have to be interesting. A rule I once read in a book for magazine editors says every edition should have a little surprise. Terry Hull's 'Penis enhancements' (#69 Jan-Mar 2002) was one example, so was Emma Baulch on Bali's Generation X (#48 Oct-Dec 1996). We spend a fortune every edition on making the cover look good. The occasional offbeat travel story and interview goes down well. I thought Ciaran Harman's walk across Kalimantan was fabulous (#65 Jan-Mar 2001), so was Duncan Graham's profile of Rizza in Surabaya (#72 Oct-Dec 2002). Yes, there's the tourism exotica trap of making Indonesians look weirder than they really are. But it's a hard-bitten traveller who never catches themselves thinking 'what an amazing country this is.' The magazine wants to broaden horizons especially for people only recently interested in Indonesia. Young people today have less faith than previous generations in politics as a way of making the world a better place. Running intelligent travel and human-interest stories for them is part of the magazine's educational emphasis. I hope we can keep doing our best in this area. Far from falling into the tourism exotica trap, I suspect we slip too easily into the activist trap of taking ourselves too seriously. 'Mutual understanding and cooperation between the peoples of Indonesia and Australia and elsewhere' is the declared goal of Inside Indonesia. That calls for communication skills, but also for solid reportage. This is the heart of what Inside Indonesia has always been about. In 1983 credible information about Indonesia was scarce. The Indonesian government routinely issued misleading propaganda, its military often expelled foreign correspondents, and Australian newspapers carried little about the giant neighbour to the north. Academic researchers were denied permits, and activists were blacklisted. When I joined the board as editor in 1996 I learned that accurate, unbiased reporting was the most important thing they expected the magazine to do. Editorials were deliberately kept low-key, so the reportage could speak for itself. Of course we will never be a Far Eastern Economic Review. We couldn't even pay our authors. But several board members had university backgrounds like myself. Our academic networks provided a pool of talent. Lots of knowledgeable postgraduate students were only too pleased to share what they knew with a popular readership. And for nothing! I did often have to wrestle with them to drop jargon and agree to bolder titles. The quarterly format was good for their more thoughtful approach. Production times were too long for 'hot' news, but just right for the short essay. For years this reportage was so good that Indonesian students and activists themselves began to read the magazine. It was not produced primarily for them, but they found stuff there they couldn't get elsewhere. I recall seeing well-thumbed copies slumped on the library shelf at Satya Wacana University in Central Java in the 1980s. That all changed in 1998. The Indonesian press is now much freer. Australian newspapers also began to cover Indonesia in much greater depth - either excited by the mushrooming democratic movement, or driven by fears of the country's 'break-up'. The internet revolution came on strong about the same time as well. Inside Indonesia appeared online with a home-made design in late 1996. Indonesians are our biggest single group of readers. Whenever something big happens, like the war in Aceh, our access statistics take a leap. Less so our subscriptions, unfortunately. These big changes in Indonesia presented the magazine with a dilemma that came to a head early last year. One view within the board was that since Suharto was gone and East Timor was free, maybe the mag had served its purpose and should close. Money and time were also in short supply. Subscription income was really not enough - we have always needed gifts to survive. The young students and activists who started the magazine in 1983 were by now super-busy professors and managers. And we had more competition. The mainstream press was better at Indonesian reportage than before and new alternative magazines like Latitudes were appearing on the market. The other view was the opposite. Reformasi has been largely a failure. Indeed the horrible violence following Reformasi turned many westerners off the country altogether. The military destruction of East Timor, the Muslim-Christian fighting in Ambon, and especially the Bali bombing, caused Australian interest in Indonesia to plummet. Enrolments in language classes are down everywhere. 'I ask myself, do I really still like Indonesia�', a friend of mine who has studied Indonesian history for years told me not long ago. The question haunts many Indonesians too. There's no doubt that Indonesia has a serious self-image problem. And yet, and yet. Once we are there, most of us experience enough hospitality, hope and friendliness to counteract the worst pessimism. Is this really a good time to give up on trying to understand this vast country, where little is as it seems? Even today, the mainstream press gets it wrong all the time. Foreign correspondents almost never travel outside Jakarta, unless it is to a war zone. Some end up reflecting the prejudices of the diplomatic circuit. Fortunately, the second view prevailed. A new board took over from the old, some new money was found (not really enough), a system of rotating guest editors was invented, and the magazine is here for its 20th anniversary edition. If you'll forgive the hype, we still want to 'get behind the soundbite, the propaganda and the stereotypes to keep you informed about the real Indonesia'. We hope you share the vision. Taking sides is the third part of the magazine's aim. It is not the most obvious aim. No publication that claims to provide quality reportage wants to be predictable and easily put into an ideological box. This has made the issue of editorial orientation a little subterranean, but not undiscussed. The new board has spent a lot of time writing it all down for a new constitution. Indonesia still contains so much more potential for change than seems likely in the industrialised West. Believing in the creative potential of change keeps the magazine from falling into the tourism trap. The struggles for justice in Indonesia are multi-dimensional. They include struggles for economic equality in the face of capitalism, for environmental sustainability in the face of industrialism, for human rights and peace in the face of militarism, for gender justice in the face of all forms of sexual discrimination, and for cultural freedoms in the face of the authoritarian state. Though often related, each struggle has its own agendas and network of activists. Indonesia's political parties have so far proved fairly clueless advocates of these emancipatory agendas. They are being carried by young people who often organise through non-government organisations or through less structured forums. Inside Indonesia wants to be there for them, to help get their message out. The aim is to rotate through the various themes regularly. Hence the recent editions on the environment (#65 Jan-Mar 2001), gender (#66 Apr-Jun 2001), the arts (#64 Oct-Dec 2000), and on the poor (#69 Jan-Mar 2002). But things happen unexpectedly. We dumped another edition on the arts after the Bali bombing, for example, and that wasn't the first time. One big question I would like us to look at is 'what have people learned from 1998?'. The establishment in Indonesia and overseas often behaves as if Reformasi was a success and Indonesia is now a democratic country. The groups that worked for change in 1998 feel the opposite - that their work has been a failure. It is not hard to see why. The war in Aceh looks remarkably like the invasion of East Timor in 1975. Religious and ethnic violence in some areas has wrecked an emerging democracy. Many activists have gone back to work almost as if nothing has happened to interrupt the rhythm. A younger generation was too young in 1998 to have even been there! Some older ones have become disillusioned, like East Germans after the fall of the Berlin wall in 1989. What went wrong? How will democracy activists create opportunities in the future? I don�t think any of us believe that Indonesia is 'by nature' violent or authoritarian. But most people who were there in 1998 would probably now say they were naive to expect that change was as easy as getting rid of Suharto. Gerry van Klinken (editor@insideindonesia.org) is coordinating editor ofInside Indonesia.

74: In the wake of the bombing

April-June 2003 Islam and the bomb In the wake of the bombingPeacebuilding in the wake of terror - Emma Baulch My pesantren, Darur Ridwan Life in an East Javanese Islamic boarding school - Mayra Walsh Tall tales Conspiracy theories in post-bomb Indonesia - Greg Fealy Preaching fundamentalism The public teachings of Abu Bakar Ba'asyir - Tim Behrend Post-bomb politics A hybrid order No joy for extremists in post-bomb Indonesia - Ed Aspinall Taken by surprise The Bali bombings reveal the failings of Australian-Indonesian intelligence co-operations - David Wright Neville Balinese recoveries Sustainable recovery Balinese people favour green initiatives in recovery effort - Christine Foster Renegotiate the debt! Civil society intervenes in multilateral aid meeting - Ngurah Karyadi Back to the roots After the bomb, community tourism needs a boost - Sherry Kasman Entus Ritual, politics and tourism Ritual purification ceremonies have dominated Balinese recovery efforts - Graeme MacRae Puppeteers on wheels An innovative shadow puppet show combats post-traumatic stress disorder in Bali - Rucina Ballinger Opinion A moderate majority A deep local tradition of tolerance defends against militancy - The Hon. Justice Marcus Einfeld Politics and Human Rights Notes from a 'five star' prison cell Life in an Acehnese jail - Lesley McCulloch How to make peace Civilians demand a part in Aceh's peace process - Kautsar Making peace newsworthy Indonesian journalists attend a peace journalism training workshop in Manado - Jake Lynch Stand your ground A radio series gives voice to East Timorese stories of resistance to Indonesian occupation - Matt Abud Regulars Bookshop Your say Inside Indonesia 74: Apr-Jun 2003

73: A Militarised Society

Jan-Mar 2003 Terrorism A Militarised SocietyIndonesia today is a dangerous place primarily for Indonesians, not foreigners The Bali Bombing Understanding the tragedy beyond al-Qaeda and Bush's 'war on terror' - Thomas Reuter The insecurity forces Security Disorders Sending Troops is not Going to Solve Regional Conflicts - Douglas Kammen What's Wrong With Freeport's Security Policy? A report by a human rights organisation in West Papua - Institute for Human Rights Study and Advocacy (Elsham) Brawling, Bombing, and 'Backing' The Security Forces as a Source of Insecurity - John Roosa Doing Daily Battle Street children face police and security guards - Rikah and Dede Civilian Militias The Model Militia A new security force in Bali is cloaked in tradition - Degung Santikarma Self-reliant militias Homegrown security forces wield great power in Lombok - John M. MacDougall Putting the (Para)Military Back Into Politics The 'taskforces' of the political parties - Phil King Military business Plundering the Sea Regulating trawling companies is difficult when the navy is in business with them - Brian Fegan On the Waterfront The Military Fleeces and Polices Port Workers - Razif The militarys legacy Evading the Truth Will a Truth and Reconciliation Commission ever be formed? - Agung Putri Not Fade Away A General of the Sukarno years criticises today's military - Muhammad Fauzi The Endless Wait Families of the Disappeared are Still Searching for Answers - R. Waluya Jati Review James Bond Jakarta Style Regulars Letters Newsbriefs Bookshop On the web Inside Indonesia 73: Jan-Mar 2003

72: Give press freedom a chance

Oct-Dec 2002 Media Give freedom of the press a chance Indonesia's free press needs time to mature - Lukas Luwarso 'You wan see jiggy-jig?' Getting hot under the collar over Indonesian pornography - Justine Fitzgerald Consuming passions Millions of Indonesians must watch soap operas - Amrih Widodo Radioactive Radio has undergone a revolution since Suharto resigned - Edwin Jurriens Exchanging news, bridging isolation The 68H network brings people closer together - Santoso Getting connected The struggle to get Indonesia online - Onno Purbo Eliana Eliana: independent cinema? A new wave of Indonesian films - Joanne Sharpe A town like Malang A new local press must struggle to survive when the novelty of autonomy wanes - Kirrilee Hughes Power to the people Indonesians are seeking a public voice through radio - Rebecca Henschke Politics and human rights Law, globalisation and military terror Civil cases are combating corporate impunity - Richard Tanter Who is calling for Islamic Law? The struggle to implement Islamic Law in South Sulawesi - Dias Pradadimara and Burhaman Junedding Peace for Poso Highlighting the state's role may help stop the Poso conflict - Syamsul Alam Agus Culture A love of language Unable to pay for formal lessons, many poor Indonesians have mastered English through radio, TV and film. Like Rizza of Surabaya. - Duncan Graham Reformasi killed the poetry superstars Two poets tour Australia - Marshall Clark and Giora Eliraz Two visionaries of Indonesian theatre Two directors resided in an intercultural realm - Ian Brown Regulars Behind the Postcolonial: Architecture, Urban Space, and Political Cultures in IndonesiaReview: Abidin Kusno examines trends in architectural design and urban planning in Jakarta - Julie Shackford-Bradley Newsbriefs Bookshop Inside Indonesia 72: Oct-Dec 2002

71: Outside Indonesia - East Timor

July-Sept 2002 East Timor Outside Indonesia - East TimorThis edition goes out with our best wishes to the East Timorese people - Gerry van Klinken Born in the wrong era Amidst globalisation, can East Timor still be a people's alternative? - Mansour Fakih Timor's women After the brutal occupation, gender violence remains a reality - Dawn Delaney A sustainable future How will East Timor manage its economy? - Helder da Costa What about the workers? Now is the time to create a fairer system - Selma Hayati Australian treachery, again This time it's over oil and gas royalti - Rob Wesley Smith Meet Titi Irawati An Indonesian human rights worker in East Timor - Kerry Brogan The Indonesian who joined Falintil Why did Nasir join the guerrillas? - M Nasir, interviewed by Nug Katjasungkana One less place to hide US courts bring down judgments against two Indonesian generals - John M Miller Claiming justice amid the ruins A remarkable grass-roots reconciliation meeting in Ainaro - Hilmar Farid The Oecussi-Ambeno enclave What does the future hold for this neglected territory? - Arsenio Bano and Edward Rees The forgotten of West Timor Poverty, refugees, militias, and too many soldiers - Elcid Li By the book, please East Timorese students in Yogyakarta suffer intimidation - Faustino Gomes,/p> Politics and human rights Is Indonesia a terrorist base? The gulf between rhetoric and evidence is wide - Greg Fealy Combat zone Aceh is the military?s stepping stone back to power - David Bourchier Witness denied Australian media responses to the Indonesian killings of 1965-66 - Richard Tanter Culture Theatre blossoms A sampling of performances in Java - Julie Janson Resources East Timor on the Net The latest on this new nation at your fingertips - John M Miller Regulars Your Say Newsbriefs Bookshop Inside Indonesia 71: July - Sept 2002

70: Peace: The legacy of Herb Feith

April-June 2002 Politics and Human Rights The legacy of Herb Feith The theme of this edition is 'peace and international collaboration', the two leading ideas of Herb's later years - Gerry van Klinken Indonesia - US military ties September 11th and after - Kurt Biddle The life and death of Theys Eluay The murdered Papuan leader was an ambiguous figure - At Ipenburg BP and the Tangguh test A multi-billion dollar gas project in a remote Papuan bay needs scrutiny - Down to Earth Culture Revolution of hope Independent films are young, free and radical - Katinka van Heeren Do-it-yourself freedomHow to escape the mainstream, big money, newspaper thought police - Alexandra Crosby Peace and cooperation Celebrate for peace Reclaiming public ritual can help resolve conflict - Taufik Rahzen We are all one How custom overcame religious rivalry in Southeast Maluku - P M Laksono Between war and peace An insider speaks about peace negotiations on Aceh - Otto Syamsuddin Ishak Aceh negotiation ups and downs Waiting for peace in Poso Why has this Muslim-Christian conflict continued for three years? - Lorraine V Aragon Is reconciliation sleeping with the devil? The dilemmas of negotiating an end to conflict - Vanessa Johanson Australians volunteer The history of Australian Volunteers International begins in Indonesia - Peter Britton Antidote to parochialism - Herb Feith The first volunteer Herb Feith, who began it all 50 years ago, inspires a new volunteer - Rachael Diprose Herb Feith Bush, Osama and the planet - Bill Liddle and Herb Feith Ideas man Herb Feith's search for better mental road maps to a complex Indonesia - Jamie Mackie A syncretistic Jew Learning from Indonesian religious experience - Herb Feith Resources Peace on the net Regulars Your say Bookshop Inside Indonesia 70: Apr-Jun 2002

69: The poor first

Jan-Mar 2002 The Poor The poor firstWe dedicate this edition to the poor, and to those enquiring minds who want to learn about them - Gerry van Klinken Dirty debtRich countries share responsibility for Indonesia's impossible debt burden - Ann Pettifor Crisis and poverty Four years later, how has the economic crisis affected the poor? - Anne Booth The story of Mimin Surviving thirty years in Central Jakarta - Lea Jellinek and Ed Kiefer Jakarta's poorest Lea Jellinek Whose city? The street traders who feed and transport Jakarta are also its most unwelcome citizens - Vanessa Johanson Whatever it takes Workers, often women, take risks to earn an honest living - Michele Ford Singapore girl? Indonesian maids in Singapore want to be heard - Noorashikin Abdul Rahman Land for the people Farmers in East Java are still working land they took three years ago - Sukardi The Twin Towers Effect The democracy movement must now challenge international capital - Revrisond Baswir Take the money or die A flood of 'democratisation' dollars has corrupted the NGO movement - Anu Lounela Culture Penis enhancements Popular with sailors and miners, but not necessarily with their women - Terence H Hull Scunge City. And yet.... What the guide books don't tell you about Surabaya - Duncan Graham Politics and Human Rights Osama bin Cool What do Indonesian students think about Osama bin Laden? - Katie Brayne The aftermath of civil war Fighting has stopped in North Maluku, but mistrust lingers - Christopher R Duncan With Aceh's guerrillas A rare visit with the Free Aceh Movement shows them confident and well organised - Damien Kingsbury One world still After the tragedy of 11 September, the world needs dialogue - Ulil Abshar-Abdalla Regulars Newsbriefs Your say Bookshop Inside Indonesia 69: Jan-Mar 2002

68: Rewriting history

Oct-Dec 2001 Politics and Human Rights Ethnic fascism in Borneo Old elites in Central Kalimantan discover new and dangerous strategies - Gerry van Klinken Laskar Jihad A spiritual home for the lost, this militant sect is used by dangerous elites for their own ends - IRIP News Service Mother of the nation For now, reformasi is dead. But Mega didn't kill it - Edward Aspinall Radical or reformist? How Islamic will the new movements make Indonesia? - Bernhard Platzdasch The return of 'Shock therapy' Overseas friends stand by persecuted Acehnese human rights workers - Signe Poulsen Rewriting history Whitlam knew Indonesian military intelligence kept Australia fully informed (and complicit) in its 1975 East Timor invasion plans - Paul Monk Out of the black hole After the New Order, the lid on Indonesia's past is beginning to lift - Hilmar Farid The first Asian boat people Strange things began to happen when Indonesian refugees came to Australia during World War II - Jan Lingard Romo Mangun Tribute to a multi-talented, national figure - Catherine Mills For kicks The history of football is a history of Indonesia itself - Freek Colombijn A soldier's historian New Order generals needed new history books. Nugroho Notosusanto was their man. - Kate McGregor The Suharto Museum What gifts did Aussie prime ministers bestow on President Suharto? - Pam Allen Merdeka! Indonesian poems selected by Harry Aveling Rebel rises from the dead Sulawesians believe that Qahhar, their rebel hero, has risen again - Andi Faisal Bakti Untold stories On the other side of 1965 lay a vibrant Indonesia worth remembering - Ann Laura Stoler Regulars Water, land, and SuhartoReview: Both books illustrate how the Suharto family exploited Indonesia - Ron Witton Historical Atlas of IndonesiaReview: Robert Cribb's Historical Atlas is breathtaking in its scope and presentation - Ron Witton Your say Bookshop Newsbriefs Inside Indonesia 68: Oct-Dec 2001

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