Jul 27, 2024 Last Updated 4:51 AM, Jul 27, 2024

Reviews Reviews Reviews Reviews ROOT

Film review: Kinipan

How forest restoration and food estate policies affect local communities

Photo essay: Banyutowo harmony

A fishing village on the northern tip of Java stays true to its roots

Review: Separating fact from fiction in Conrad’s Eastern Voyages

Joseph Conrad is known as being the famous English author of books such as Lord Jim and Heart of Darkness

Countering the information void to beat COVID-19

In the absence of reliable government information, citizens are stepping up to share local stories on COVID-19 and keep each other informed about the state of the pandemic

Carmel Budiardjo (1925-2021)

Human rights campaigner Carmel Budiardjo died aged 96 on 10 July 2021, after a long and dynamic life of activism dating back to her years as a student activist in the 1940s

Review: A narrative of denial

An indictment of Australian policy on East Timor during the Fraser years

COVID-19 denial in Indonesia

Mixed messaging from government about COVID-19 has left rumours and competing narratives to fill the information void, fuelling mistrust

Endless stigma of HIV and COVID-19

HIV-related stigma and is making access to healthcare during the pandemic difficult

Ki Poedijono (1940-2021)

Obituary of Ki Poedijono: dhalang (puppeteer), musician, dancer and gamelan teacher

Wikan Satriati (1975-2021)

Some personal reflections

Menghitung bekas luka

Pandangan pribadi tentang hak asasi manusia dan identitas di Papua

Counting scars

A personal view on human rights and identity in Papua

Exhibited as losers

A new artwork holds up a mirror to physical anthropology and its baseless racial categorisations

Beauty and belonging in West Papua

Papuan waria draw on foreign ideals of beauty in their quest for a sense of belonging in their local communities

Beauty and cosmopolitan whiteness

Indonesians' present-day notions of beauty are embedded in a long and complex relationship between skin colour and race

Expatriates, privilege and racism

As privileged migrants, do expats encounter racism?

‘We never invited you to come here’

Refugees battle racism in Indonesia

Racism and poverty myths in Tanah Papua

Racist explanations hide policies and structures that contribute to poverty among Papuans

Bhinneka Tunggal Ika?

Reality often falls short of expectations

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