Jul 27, 2024 Last Updated 5:22 AM, Jul 16, 2024

Reviews Reviews Reviews Reviews Reviews ROOT

Jokowi’s 35000 megawatt dream

The government’s approach to this mega power infrastructure program is typical of its overwhelming drive to get business done

Indonesia’s energy dilemma

Introduction to the edition

Why so serious?

Netizens’ responses to the banning of a popular slang word raise questions about the moral character of public communication

Essay: Seeking solace in the midst of COVID-19

Book clubs and creative communities have headed online where they provide Jakartans with vital connections and solace during the pandemic

A 150-year old obstacle to land rights 

The Dutch colonialists adopted the concept of domein verklaring (domain declaration) to claim control over a large part of Indonesia’s land. This act lives on in modern-day Indonesia, causing conflict and poverty.

Photo Essay: From the field

Be there! Exploring small oil palm plantations from Riau (not Europe)

Essay: Our Home Together?

Bandung School of Peace is leading the fight against intolerance in West Java

Culture vs consent

Distrust in doctors’ decision making around c-sections is a key cause of Papuans’ avoidance of hospitals

Women rising

Women in East Kalimantan join male-dominated ‘ormas’ to empower themselves and their community

Coral reef conservation and the communities leading the way

Major policy shifts are needed to prevent the destruction of the reefs, but for now, coastal communities are having an impact and the reduction in tourism due to COVID-19 is offering some breathing space

Model layanan kesehatan jiwa berfokus pada pemulihan untuk Indonesia?

Tim peneliti internasional memetakan arah perubahan

Kesehatan jiwa melalui internet?

Tele-mental health sebagai solusi yang menjanjikan untuk terbatasnya jumlah ahli kesehatan mental di Indonesia

Mencegah bunuh diri tiruan

Advokat pencegahan bunuh diri dengan jurnalis dapat mengubah peliputan berita bunuh diri di Indonesia

Kesehatan mental di desa Banten

Memberdayakan masyarakat lokal merupakan kunci dalam meningkatkan kesehatan jiwa

Mental health over the internet?

Tele-mental health is a promising solution to Indonesia’s scarcity of qualified mental health professionals

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