Jul 27, 2024 Last Updated 4:51 AM, Jul 27, 2024

Reviews Reviews Reviews ROOT Social & Political Unrest

The island for the dogs

The lives of Bali’s unique population of dogs have also been significantly impacted by the pandemic

Bali, where are you heading?

After being devastated by the pandemic, will Bali’s tourism industry rebound or have the locals moved on?

Film and community in a pandemic

A short film festival in Bali found a COVID-safe way to continue to bring people together

Book review: Plantation life

Corporate occupation in Indonesia’s oil palm zone

Merchants and entrepreneurs

Jews in Sumatra in the colonial period

'Spilling the tea' on sexual violence

Education Minister Nadiem Makarim’s recent acknowledgement of a ‘sexual violence pandemic’ on the nation’s campuses follows a growing wave of victims speaking out and not without risk

Reinforcing gendered roles in lockdown abroad

The experiences of Indonesian migrant mothers in NZ’s pandemic reveal that the ideals of Ibuism endure

Languages of propaganda

Cyber troops both for and against the government leverage Pancasila as a weapon in their pseudo-moral bickering

A ‘digital coup’ inside Partai Demokrat

Buzzers paved the way for an orchestrated takeover of the Democratic Party

Selling the Omnibus Law on Job Creation

The role of cyber troops in promoting Indonesia’s controversial pro-business bill

Normalising the New Normal

The government’s New Normal campaign has been lucrative business for buzzers

Pasukan siber bayaran vs KPK

Bagaimana pasukan siber menyebarkan disinformasi untuk mendapatkan dukungan publik untuk revisi UU KPK

Cyber mercenaries vs the KPK

Cyber troops spread disinformation to gain public support for the KPK Law revision

Election campaigns and cyber troops

The election campaigns of both Joko Widodo and Prabowo Subianto relied on social media propaganda to shape public perceptions

Organisation and funding of social media propaganda

Politicians and entrepreneurs spend big on hiring online mercenaries, or ‘buzzers’, to manipulate public opinion on social media in their favour

The isolation poems by Putu Oka Sukanta

Poems by Putu Oka Sukanta were translated by Vannessa Hearman and Kiernan Box with commentary written by Vannessa Hearman based on her interview with the poet.

Reshaping masculine cultures of terrorism

Former members of terror networks are focussing on masculinity’s role in encouraging violent extremism in Indonesia

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