Jan 20, 2025 Last Updated 12:13 AM, Jan 7, 2025

Reviews Reviews Reviews ROOT Maluku

Wikan Satriati (1975-2021)

Some personal reflections

Menghitung bekas luka

Pandangan pribadi tentang hak asasi manusia dan identitas di Papua

Counting scars

A personal view on human rights and identity in Papua

Exhibited as losers

A new artwork holds up a mirror to physical anthropology and its baseless racial categorisations

Beauty and belonging in West Papua

Papuan waria draw on foreign ideals of beauty in their quest for a sense of belonging in their local communities

Beauty and cosmopolitan whiteness

Indonesians' present-day notions of beauty are embedded in a long and complex relationship between skin colour and race

Expatriates, privilege and racism

As privileged migrants, do expats encounter racism?

‘We never invited you to come here’

Refugees battle racism in Indonesia

Racism and poverty myths in Tanah Papua

Racist explanations hide policies and structures that contribute to poverty among Papuans

Bhinneka Tunggal Ika?

Reality often falls short of expectations

Photo essay: A pandemic in pictures

More than one year into the COVID-19 pandemic, the virus is still having unforeseen impacts

Kartini in her own words

An essential resource for Indonesian history scholars and students, Kartini's works are now available by open access

Sugar taxes save lives

Indonesia lags behind many countries in taxing high sugar drinks

An urgent mental health challenge

The demand for support for children with ASD is growing, but a lack of data and research means services remain woefully inadequate

Seni pertunjukan dan pandemi

Dalam edisi ini, penulis-penulis kami merinci dampak pandemi yang menghancurkan pada sektor seni pertunjukan Indonesia, tetapi juga semangat ketahanan yang mendorong para seniman ini untuk terus maju.

Wayangan dalam bayang-bayang COVID-19

Seniman dan penonton pertunjukan wayang kulit purwa di Jakarta beradaptasi menghadapi kesulitan di tengah pandemi COVID-19

Teater di masa COVID 19

Keterbatasan telah lama menentukan teater modern Indonesia, sehingga pandemi tidak dapat menghentikan kemajuan

Essay: Don’t forget to wash up

Locked out of live theatre, Dina spent time pondering the meaning of physical space, enjoying rest time and helping others stay safe

Theatre in the time of COVID 19

Limitations have long defined Indonesia’s modern theatre, so the pandemic could not stop progress

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